
Showing posts from December, 2018

Society's Wall

Let us open our eyes  " A proper woman must be dainty and the image of beauty. ", " A true man should be the epitome of strength and power." These might be some of the common sayings that you are hearing in the walls of our society, these words are a disgrace to the creation of our God. He created men and women equally there was no greater being, it was meant that we live together as one, but society's walls are getting higher and higher, harder to reach, harder to get into. As a child told that we should be what we want to be,but as we grew older our eyes were opened and we realized that there are specific roles that we need to fit into to be accepted in society. If you are a man you should become a police officer a fireman, or a president if you wish, as a woman you should limit yourself to being trained with the responsibilities of a wife or going into a job that requires being you like a model, florist, or a nurse, you are not encouraged to be a member

Our Inner Happiness

They are a breath of fresh air in a day full of stress, little rays of sunshine to brighten up your day, their cute little smiles, their innocent little minds, sparkle of curiosity in their eyes, this is truly what makes children gems of a family. But what is the real reason we are pleased with children? In this world we are so busy being stressed and thinking that we need to be more mature, more adult like but if we think about it, these things only make us sader, they only make us wonder why life has become so hard now that we are growing up. And by this reason we look back to our childhood, the times that we were free to roam around, to experience things without worrying about anyone's comments because back then we didnt really care, back then we only wanted to do what made us happy so that is what we did. And even now the little children in us comes out every once and a while.  And these memories are what i believe to be the reason why we love children, they remind u

The Perfect Solution

a-pple, ba-na-na, carr-ot, da-ddy, e-le-phant. these are a few of the first words we learn to read. letter by letter, syllable by syllable, the baby steps of reading. now reading is getting harder and harder, because as we progress our thirst for knowledge gets wider. But most of the children nowadays lack the ability of being able to read and this is a problem that needs attention and needs a solution. We were taught how you read mainly because it is the first step in learning, it is the second page in the book of education, next to writing. Because of this  as a young child we were judged based on our ability to read specially in the English language. As we grew up we passed stages of reading books like, learning materials, fairytales and now the most recent obsession of many, Wattpad stories. And this is the best part of reading, it gets more complex as we grow older. That is what makes reading so beneficial to all of us. Reading adjust to our needs and because of this every