Society's Wall

Let us open our eyes
 " A proper woman must be dainty and the image of beauty. ", " A true man should be the epitome of strength and power." These might be some of the common sayings that you are hearing in the walls of our society, these words are a disgrace to the creation of our God. He created men and women equally there was no greater being, it was meant that we live together as one, but society's walls are getting higher and higher, harder to reach, harder to get into.

As a child told that we should be what we want to be,but as we grew older our eyes were opened and we realized that there are specific roles that we need to fit into to be accepted in society. If you are a man you should become a police officer a fireman, or a president if you wish, as a woman you should limit yourself to being trained with the responsibilities of a wife or going into a job that requires being you like a model, florist, or a nurse, you are not encouraged to be a member of the politics nor to even have a job.

But as time progresses women are already aware of their unequal opportunities when it comes to jobs, this is the reason why they are slowly fighting for their rights, slowly and slowly we see women dominating internationally in competitions like weightlifting or football, or being included in the list of qualified politicians, even taking on the highest role of being a president. This only comes to show that we have come a long way from "you are only meant to be a housewife, to serve your future husband and your future family.

As with men, we can already see that they are rising to be world renounced fashion designers and already taking on pageants. Not only with men and women but also the lgbtq community they are also giving a fight for their rights and equality.

Change has already begun we need more empowerment we need to be open and break down society's walls, the revolution of equality has already lowered its walls, and we need to work as one to take it down, for all of us to really achieve our dreams.


  1. We should not just empower men but also us women! Let us change the perspective of this society about the rights of men and women!


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