
       "A dream is a wish your heart makes, when your fast asleep". This is a quote from the song "A dream is a wish your heart makes" by Cinderella, and this quote got me thinking what makes a dream a dream? Is a dream that one thing you wanted as a child but faded? Is a dream the reason you wake up every morning? I don't know about you but let me tell you my dream.

          "Inside these four walls I sit as I observe the people coming inside and going outside this facility. Each person different, with a different situation and different problem and I thought to myself "one wrong move and I might ruin a life forever" but I'm getting ahead of myself, let's rewind and see what has happened to me these past 10 years.

      It was my first day of college everything was so surreal I was so nervous in making my first, "what if they dont like me?" but I gathered up my courage and went inside. Months passed eveything was going great! Of course there were some problems but it's school there's always problems. My first year of college went smoothly.

     After that first year everything got harder. It was like 10 siblings fighting for the last piece of scrumptious chicken joy so stressful but everytime I fell I stood up and kept going until i heard the words. Jullia Xyla Reoliquio Cum Laude it was me standing on the stage receiving my diploma. It was the happiest day of my life.

     After getting my master's degree in Europe I flew back to the Philippines where I built my own hospital where i could give free service to people in need, I was so happy everytime someone called me Doc"

     "I want to be a doctor too mommy!" someone said then I answered "you will my little bumblebee, you will" and at that moment I woke up it was all a dream a beautiful dream. It was me in the future telling my 4 year old daughter my story before she fell asleep. It was on that day that I vowed ti myself that I would do anything to make that dream come true. Just like the song goes " No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing the dreams that you wish will come true."  now i say to myself " I dreamt, I'm persevering and I will succeed!"


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