
      Everyone is stressed, exams are approaching there is so much work to be done! This sums up how I feel these past week, it has been a long week and all I wanted was some rest but here I am making an essay at 3 am. But this is not what this essay is about, it's about what I've learned this fourth quarter and things that I've realised.

     This fourth quarter we learned about photoshop, what made this learning experience interesting is that all the lessons were presented by our own classmates. It was a new territory because usually we would report then the teacher would continue but this time it was all on us. That is why somehow we were engaged to learn about it more knowing that we will be the ones explaining it.
     During reports we would always goof around tell silly jokes especially when ma'am was not around. We would always make fun of the reporters if they didnt know what they were doing. We were learning and having fun its a win win!

     But the thing is  I was never interested in group activities because it always irritated me but after how many months of being with the same people i found it enjoyable for some reason.

      Then it hit me, those countless days that we have been together, not only school hours but also during Saturdays and Sundays because of our requirements, these days made us closer than ever. We shared the pain of losing, we shared the joy of winning and we shared the love of a family.

    It saddens me to think that the people I grew close with will seperate soon. We will soon take different paths some will go to different school, we will choose different strands, but me personally I will carry the memories of being a martinelli baby inside my heart. This will be my source of strength whenever i will feel that I'm an outcast. And although I probably will not be permitted to attend the class swimming I'm sure we'll meet again.

"Parting is such sweet sorrow"  - William Shakespeare. I never understood this phrase, not even once has this phrase crossed my mind until now, now i get it as it pains them to go their seperate ways there is still some sweetness to it because when they part they will have the anticipation to see each other once again. So to my fellow Martinelli Babies after we part ways  the only thing I have to say is Until we see each other again.

     And to the person reading this you're probably wondering why the title is like that well... The reason is I'm tired and I badly need some sleep. Goodnight!


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