A Father or A Dictator?

President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, the 16th President of the Philippines delivered his State of the Nation Address last July 23, 2018. The said event he said some words that certainly left a mark and caught the attention of many Filipinos'. Because of these various words that were let out we couldn't help thinking is the President the father that we think of him to be or a dictator in disguise?

"Your concern is human rights, mine is human lives" This was just one of the most talked about quote that the President mentioned during the said event. Although this was considered touching for some, i wondered on why he said that. It was in the month of August 2017 when he said "Shoot those who are part of the drug activity. If they are obstructing justice, you shoot them.” This statement contradicts what the Philippine Human Rights stand for. And this is where my concerns were raised about the president slowly becoming a dictator.

One of the first acts that was implemented was the War on Drugs, this stated that drug users, pushers and drug lords across the Philippines will be captured and go into rehabilitation. This was seen as successful until the killings of innocent people began. At that time Filipinos questioned if it was right to continue despite of what happened. The president didn't stop there and he continued to make sure that what he started was finished, in spite of what were the reactions of his constituents.

As a President a fall like that should've waken him up that he should be more careful of the acts that he implements because as we said he will be the father of our country for 4 more years. Despite of this the President still seems like a man that what he wants is what he gets. If this worsens and the power he holds gets into his head and little by little makes the father we want to have a dictator we never want to experience.Because of this we should be more vocal,  let us start standing up for what is right but let us not forget our limitations so that our worst fear might never come true.


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