Letter To The President

July 10,2018
Honorable Rodrigo Duterte
President of the Republic of the Philippines
Malacañang Palace, Manila

Dear Mr. President:
       Congratulations! It has officially been 2 years since you became the Philippines’ President. As one of your citizens, I am hoping that you fulfill all of the promises you made during your campaign. Those who voted for you expect change and hope that because of your victory will achieve it.

          I am however concerned about your promise to stop the drug menace in the Philippines. Impossible as it seemed for the past two years I have seen improvement in this act. Although it was quite successful there were a few innocent people involved, this raised the Filipino citizens’ disbelief in your program and how you are going to continue to execute it.

          Another issue that ponders in my mind is the fact that you are a straight-talking man, I am worried that the children that watched you spitting out illiterate or curse words may somehow adapt to the way you speak, causing them to grow up without manners or be disrespectful.

          The last issue that has been bothering me is the never ending issue about corruption, I am aware that we both know that the system is broken and because of this me along with my fellow countrymen knowing that you also want to achieve change demand it from you. With that in mind I am worried because at times you tend to show signs of taking the whole country apart, without thinking about the next step. If this goes on then it would be placing our country in a position worse than before.

          As this letter ends I am wishing that these issues that I mentioned may soon have a solution. Just to clarify this composition was not meant to offend you or the way you run our country. With the remaining 6 years of your reign as the Philippines’ President I hope that you will finally make the Philippines great again.

 Yours sincerely,
Jullia Xyla Reoliquio


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