
Showing posts from July, 2018

A Father or A Dictator?

President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, the 16th President of the Philippines delivered his State of the Nation Address last July 23, 2018. The said event he said some words that certainly left a mark and caught the attention of many Filipinos'. Because of these various words that were let out we couldn't help thinking is the President the father that we think of him to be or a dictator in disguise? "Your concern is human rights, mine is human lives" This was just one of the most talked about quote that the President mentioned during the said event. Although this was considered touching for some, i wondered on why he said that. It was in the month of August 2017 when he said "Shoot those who are part of the drug activity. If they are obstructing justice, you shoot them.” This statement contradicts what the Philippine Human Rights stand for. And this is where my concerns were raised about the president slowly becoming a dictator. One of the first acts that was implemen

What Shall We Do?

A mother arrives at her home and finds that her children are unwell, she realized that they don’t have enough nutrients. They were always tired, they barely have enough energy to eat. Then the mother realized why and said, “how can they get enough nutrients when the prices of the vegetables are so high?”   “I can’t feed my kids the nutrients they need!” Every year in the month of July, Nutrition Month is celebrated to increase awareness of people specially students to live a better and healthier life. This year is the theme is "Ugaliing Magtanim Sapat na Nutrisyon Aanihin!" People nowadays do not give importance to farming because they know that they can simply buy it at their local market or grocery store. Unfortunately recently the prices of vegetables are being raised and there was an issue about unhealthy growing habits of some suppliers. This raised the concern of many specially of the people who are financially unstable, because of this they started finding a w

Letter To The President

    July 10,2018        Honorable Rodrigo Duterte President of the Republic of the Philippines MalacaƱang Palace, Manila Dear Mr. President:                            Congratulations! It has officially been 2 years since you became the Philippines’ President. As one of your citizens, I am hoping that you fulfill all of the promises you made during your campaign. Those who voted for you expect change and hope that because of your victory will achieve it.           I am however concerned about your promise to stop the drug menace in the Philippines. Impossible as it seemed for the past two years I have seen improvement in this act. Although it was quite successful there were a few innocent people involved, this raised the Filipino citizens’ disbelief in your program and how you are going to continue to execute it.           Another issue that ponders in my mind is the fact that you are a straight-talking man, I am worried that the children that watched you sp

A Burden or a Weapon?

The Philippines is a quiet country, everyone lived peacefully and all was well. Until a group of Spaniard colonists lead by Ferdinand Magellan shocked them by taking away their freedom for 333 years. With the help of the Americans we were finally free, and the Philippines waved it's flag at Amos, Cavite on June 12, 1898, unfortunately some time after we were colonized once again by the Japanese as weapons for the World War, nevertheless we still celebrate June 12 of every year as the day we the Filipinos and our country had our freedom. These days we are living in a modernized world and because of this we are yet again being imprisoned by a new enemy, technology, because of this most of the teenagers are not aware of the sacrifices hat were made for us to gain the freedom we are experiencing right now. Because of this we need to wake up! We need to start being dedicated in making our country truly free. We need to use our knowledge in using social media to help in making o