
Showing posts from October, 2018

What is yet to come.

"We gave our all, we battled with all our might, the battle is done and now we will witness the sun rise. The war is done and we have achieved peace." These are the things running through my mind as we finished the 2nd Periodical test and now we are enjoying the week long semestral break. This 2nd Grading I have learned about tags and how each one affects the way your webpage will come out. Experienced making webpages through various activities and I am proud to say that i have really learned from them. But challenges are inevitable, as a student you must learn to face them or crack under pressure while dealing with them. My personal challenges this grading was coping up with missed lessons and every students problem time management. This grading I participated in many extracurricular activities which has led me to miss out on some if not most of my classes during my practices. With that being the case i had to reach out to my teachers and classmates and ask them w

What we Need...

Change... This is the only permanent thing in this world, it is inevitable so no one can stop it. It can be good change or bad change the result will be based on your choices. But what if what is at stake among our choices is the unity and peace of our world.? This month we are celebrating the UN celebration with the theme. "Coming together with those furthest behind to build an inclusive world of universal respect for human rights and dignity." This theme can be explained in a simple way, that we humans should work hand in hand to reach the places who are not involved who until now is suffering the problem with poverty and equality, and we should build our respect for each and everyone so no one gets hurt. A perfect world what a dream it might be. But our dream can change into reality how?  What we need is change and we need to start it now.

What they deserve...

From your a,b,c's to your 1,2,3's  they are there, from the basic rules of addition to the hardesr forms of calculus they guide you. And they will keep doung this yntil they have finished their mission with you. But what is the big deal about all of this? Who are responsible behind your knowledge and behind your studies? The answer teachers Engineers, Doctors, Artists, Police, Lawyers, and other proffesions, it is true that these jobs are important because they keep the world balanced and they are the one with the most impact in our lives, but especially they are the ones that most youths aspire to be when they grow up. The truth is there is one proffesion that shines above them all, without that proffesion there can be no other proffesions the teachers, but let us face the sad reality a few of this generation wants to be teachers I cannot really say that I want to be a teacher myself because I know that it can be very tiring and very stressful. And that is why i have so much

Enhancement of the Brain and Skills

Science and technology is one of the most important subjects because it teaches us how the world works and how the things we are using today was scientifically made. Thus just like the other major month long celebration this is also given importance because many students are interested in it.But what is the celebration all about?  Every year at the month of we celebrate the Science Month Celebration. This year's theme is "WAVEFRONT: ACCENTUATING POTENTIALS ACTIVATING TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENTS". This year's theme has the aim of enhancing already made technologies and unlocking your potentials through various activities prepared by the Science amd Yes-O Clubs. Students of every grade are expected to participate as they compete head to head with whatever their competition. And because of this further potentials are unlocked. This is why they encourage them.  As the month ends the winners of the  contests are awarded and recognized. But as they say it is not the de