Enhancement of the Brain and Skills

Science and technology is one of the most important subjects because it teaches us how the world works and how the things we are using today was scientifically made. Thus just like the other major month long celebration this is also given importance because many students are interested in it.But what is the celebration all about? 

Every year at the month of we celebrate the Science Month Celebration. This year's theme is "WAVEFRONT: ACCENTUATING POTENTIALS ACTIVATING TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENTS".
This year's theme has the aim of enhancing already made technologies and unlocking your potentials through various activities prepared by the Science amd Yes-O Clubs.

Students of every grade are expected to participate as they compete head to head with whatever their competition. And because of this further potentials are unlocked. This is why they encourage them.  As the month ends the winners of the  contests are awarded and recognized. But as they say it is not the destination natikn it is the journey. 


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