

      Everyone is stressed, exams are approaching there is so much work to be done! This sums up how I feel these past week, it has been a long week and all I wanted was some rest but here I am making an essay at 3 am. But this is not what this essay is about, it's about what I've learned this fourth quarter and things that I've realised.      This fourth quarter we learned about photoshop, what made this learning experience interesting is that all the lessons were presented by our own classmates. It was a new territory because usually we would report then the teacher would continue but this time it was all on us. That is why somehow we were engaged to learn about it more knowing that we will be the ones explaining it.          During reports we would always goof around tell silly jokes especially when ma'am was not around. We would always make fun of the reporters if they didnt know what they were doing. We were learning and having fun its a win win!      But th


       "A dream is a wish your heart makes, when your fast asleep". This is a quote from the song "A dream is a wish your heart makes" by Cinderella, and this quote got me thinking what makes a dream a dream? Is a dream that one thing you wanted as a child but faded? Is a dream the reason you wake up every morning? I don't know about you but let me tell you my dream.           "Inside these four walls I sit as I observe the people coming inside and going outside this facility. Each person different, with a different situation and different problem and I thought to myself "one wrong move and I might ruin a life forever" but I'm getting ahead of myself, let's rewind and see what has happened to me these past 10 years.       It was my first day of college everything was so surreal I was so nervous in making my first, "what if they dont like me?" but I gathered up my courage and went inside. Months passed eveything was going gre


          Dear alma mater hail to thee! Hail hail to thee and love for thee! Truly Ilocos Sur National High School is a school worthy to be hailed and worthy to be loved. Being a school with over 8,000 student ISNHS students need to have a day to celebrate.          The date is set on the first and second of march, everybody is getting ready for the upcoming events. Every room already has its candidate and already collecting for the upcpming canvassing. General practices happening here and there. Everybody is getting fired up.           March 1 arrived the members of the royal court are complete although there were only selected students that were given the privilege to watch the coronation of the royal court, it was still a wondrous day. The next morning there was a parade of the royal court with the 8000+ pstudents of ISNHS with their cotumes for their field demonstration.       Then the highlight of the 2-day celebration came. Under the scorching heat of the sun, gathered all

Culture, Tradition and Fun

  Ilocos Sur has become one of the places to visit in the Philippines, apart from it having naturally beautiful sites, it also has hospitable locals and great food, this is the reason why tourists engaged to come here. But every year there is an event where the best of the province can be showcased in one celebration, the Kannawidan festival.    The Kannawidan Ylocos Festival is a festivity in Ilocos Sur that is usually held on the last week of January and first week of February. This year marks the province’s 201st  year based on the Royal Decree dated February 2, 1818 separating Ilocos Sur from Ilocos Norte.     The main aim for this event is to give Ilocanos something to look forward to and it creates awareness for the locals and tourists to preserve our tradition, heritage and our unique culture. This festival gives a chance for the Ilocanos to showcase their One town One Product in the street fair, showing their cultural traditions, and most of all their talents.        As a

Freed from Greed

                We live in a world that people create their own destruction, a world in which big cities with tall buildings and buzzling sound of cars are more valued than the beautiful nature, the tall trees, and the peaceful flow of the rivers, a world where people would die for power and money is the ultimate tyrant. Yes, our society is crumbling befor our eyes, but when will we realize it?  In our society today money matters more than anything, with money comes status and with status comes the power to manipulate everyone. This is the reason why our world today is living in misery, people are too focused on their status that they forget that they might affect other people's live while they are improving theirs. Sometimes when we reach the top we become so high and mighty that we forget that there are people below us and this is why so many people are suffering.              I know now that this is our mistake as human beings, oir desire to have a better life can ca

The Missing Piece

In a year many things can happen, we encounter many ups and downs, twists and turns and sudden speed bumps as we go through its path, regardless we keep going. Last 2018 I realized my biggest problem and the good thing about it was I finally realized my biggest problem. And now I constantly ask myself "how do I better myself?"  For the past few years I have been someone that is known for being childish and playful, seldom are the times that I make my own decisions.  When i was growing up I've always been told that I had to be more mature to make my own decisions. I was told that i need to think about the consequences of my decisions, they always tell me that the world doesn't revolve around me and that in making my decisions I should not think about myself but to how my decision would affect people around me, and how they see me as an individual and that was always my biggest problem.  Because of these constant lectures I became unsure of myself, I always

Let's Bring it Back

Filipinoes are known to have the longest celebration of Christmas, there is no home without a parol nor decorative lights. Voices of carollers across the streets . But this tradition is slowly fading and our love for Christmas is disappearing. What's happening today is that we as a generation given our adiction to gadgets especially social media I come to ask what is happening to us. It's already Christmas season yet we are so distant to it. Modern practices has ripped away our beloved traditions. Our favorite holiday is so near, let's bring back the joy , the Christmas cheer. Let's put down our phones and interact .Let's bring back the Christmas glory.