Freed from Greed

       We live in a world that people create their own destruction, a world in which big cities with tall buildings and buzzling sound of cars are more valued than the beautiful nature, the tall trees, and the peaceful flow of the rivers, a world where people would die for power and money is the ultimate tyrant. Yes, our society is crumbling befor our eyes, but when will we realize it? 

In our society today money matters more than anything, with money comes status and with status comes the power to manipulate everyone. This is the reason why our world today is living in misery, people are too focused on their status that they forget that they might affect other people's live while they are improving theirs. Sometimes when we reach the top we become so high and mighty that we forget that there are people below us and this is why so many people are suffering.
        I know now that this is our mistake as human beings, oir desire to have a better life can cause us to be needy and to be greedy, I believe that our problem is not our discipline, its our greed. If we can just be more aware of our greed, and If we just learn to have aspirations in life that can be achieved without hurting the lives of others, as Catriona Gray said "we can have a world where negativity cannot grow and foster."

      I have already learned the error of my ways and this in a way has already affected my perspective in life. And if I can do it you can do it to. Let us all start a chain reaction where we help people rid of their greed.

         The only thing that I put into my mind is that change sparks in the heart, grows in the mind and starts with me.

          I started my change. Will you?


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