
Showing posts from 2018

Society's Wall

Let us open our eyes  " A proper woman must be dainty and the image of beauty. ", " A true man should be the epitome of strength and power." These might be some of the common sayings that you are hearing in the walls of our society, these words are a disgrace to the creation of our God. He created men and women equally there was no greater being, it was meant that we live together as one, but society's walls are getting higher and higher, harder to reach, harder to get into. As a child told that we should be what we want to be,but as we grew older our eyes were opened and we realized that there are specific roles that we need to fit into to be accepted in society. If you are a man you should become a police officer a fireman, or a president if you wish, as a woman you should limit yourself to being trained with the responsibilities of a wife or going into a job that requires being you like a model, florist, or a nurse, you are not encouraged to be a member

Our Inner Happiness

They are a breath of fresh air in a day full of stress, little rays of sunshine to brighten up your day, their cute little smiles, their innocent little minds, sparkle of curiosity in their eyes, this is truly what makes children gems of a family. But what is the real reason we are pleased with children? In this world we are so busy being stressed and thinking that we need to be more mature, more adult like but if we think about it, these things only make us sader, they only make us wonder why life has become so hard now that we are growing up. And by this reason we look back to our childhood, the times that we were free to roam around, to experience things without worrying about anyone's comments because back then we didnt really care, back then we only wanted to do what made us happy so that is what we did. And even now the little children in us comes out every once and a while.  And these memories are what i believe to be the reason why we love children, they remind u

The Perfect Solution

a-pple, ba-na-na, carr-ot, da-ddy, e-le-phant. these are a few of the first words we learn to read. letter by letter, syllable by syllable, the baby steps of reading. now reading is getting harder and harder, because as we progress our thirst for knowledge gets wider. But most of the children nowadays lack the ability of being able to read and this is a problem that needs attention and needs a solution. We were taught how you read mainly because it is the first step in learning, it is the second page in the book of education, next to writing. Because of this  as a young child we were judged based on our ability to read specially in the English language. As we grew up we passed stages of reading books like, learning materials, fairytales and now the most recent obsession of many, Wattpad stories. And this is the best part of reading, it gets more complex as we grow older. That is what makes reading so beneficial to all of us. Reading adjust to our needs and because of this every

A Millenial's Burden

        As a millenial it is expected that technology or gadgets already has a huge role in our lives. We spend almost all of our free time looking or scrolling on our phones or playing online games on the computer. The mindset that we have is that we can already socialize by what we are doing but we are not, and this is the real problem.       Nowadays it is easy to communicate with others because in just a text message they can respond, in just a press of a button we can see each other through video call. But what we don't realize is that this is actually hurting our social life with our friends and especially with our family.        It is evident that some of our parents are not pleased that we are on our gadgets all the time because we forget to spend time with our family. Imagine a scenario in which you need emotional help but everyone is too busy looking down on their gadgets to notice that you are already hurting,won't you feel bad?        When you do a group hango

What is yet to come.

"We gave our all, we battled with all our might, the battle is done and now we will witness the sun rise. The war is done and we have achieved peace." These are the things running through my mind as we finished the 2nd Periodical test and now we are enjoying the week long semestral break. This 2nd Grading I have learned about tags and how each one affects the way your webpage will come out. Experienced making webpages through various activities and I am proud to say that i have really learned from them. But challenges are inevitable, as a student you must learn to face them or crack under pressure while dealing with them. My personal challenges this grading was coping up with missed lessons and every students problem time management. This grading I participated in many extracurricular activities which has led me to miss out on some if not most of my classes during my practices. With that being the case i had to reach out to my teachers and classmates and ask them w

What we Need...

Change... This is the only permanent thing in this world, it is inevitable so no one can stop it. It can be good change or bad change the result will be based on your choices. But what if what is at stake among our choices is the unity and peace of our world.? This month we are celebrating the UN celebration with the theme. "Coming together with those furthest behind to build an inclusive world of universal respect for human rights and dignity." This theme can be explained in a simple way, that we humans should work hand in hand to reach the places who are not involved who until now is suffering the problem with poverty and equality, and we should build our respect for each and everyone so no one gets hurt. A perfect world what a dream it might be. But our dream can change into reality how?  What we need is change and we need to start it now.

What they deserve...

From your a,b,c's to your 1,2,3's  they are there, from the basic rules of addition to the hardesr forms of calculus they guide you. And they will keep doung this yntil they have finished their mission with you. But what is the big deal about all of this? Who are responsible behind your knowledge and behind your studies? The answer teachers Engineers, Doctors, Artists, Police, Lawyers, and other proffesions, it is true that these jobs are important because they keep the world balanced and they are the one with the most impact in our lives, but especially they are the ones that most youths aspire to be when they grow up. The truth is there is one proffesion that shines above them all, without that proffesion there can be no other proffesions the teachers, but let us face the sad reality a few of this generation wants to be teachers I cannot really say that I want to be a teacher myself because I know that it can be very tiring and very stressful. And that is why i have so much

Enhancement of the Brain and Skills

Science and technology is one of the most important subjects because it teaches us how the world works and how the things we are using today was scientifically made. Thus just like the other major month long celebration this is also given importance because many students are interested in it.But what is the celebration all about?  Every year at the month of we celebrate the Science Month Celebration. This year's theme is "WAVEFRONT: ACCENTUATING POTENTIALS ACTIVATING TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENTS". This year's theme has the aim of enhancing already made technologies and unlocking your potentials through various activities prepared by the Science amd Yes-O Clubs. Students of every grade are expected to participate as they compete head to head with whatever their competition. And because of this further potentials are unlocked. This is why they encourage them.  As the month ends the winners of the  contests are awarded and recognized. But as they say it is not the de

Light over Darkness

Imagine that you are in a dark room, you cannot see where you are or where you are going, but suddenly you see a spark, a spark of light, a light that you see from afar, but even though you’re struggling to get there you are determined to go the distance, then you make that light bigger completely overpowering the darkness and affecting everyone around you to have the same amount of light that you possess. Each year there are approximately 20 typhoons that hit the Philippines some of which are stronger than others. During these times Filipinos are left puzzled as they grow sad over the thought of what is being lost or what they will lose after the storm. But we Filipinos are more than that; we know how to stand after every storm. Countless of times we have proven ourselves to be strong, especially when we were hurt by the super Typhoon Yolanda and because we survived one of the strongest Typhoons we were said to be one of the strongest countries. Because of this Philippines

Scavenger hunt 2

CHALLENGE 2 Search the Internet for the following facts and information. Write your answers in the table below. 1.             What is the context of "embedded journalist"? When was it first used? Who created the term? 2.              _______________ is the only pope honored by Turkey a Muslim nation. His statue stands at center of a city square of ______________. 3.             Who designed the tallest building in Hong Kong? 4.             In September 11, 2001, two commercial airplanes commandeered by terrorist crashed and destroyed the World Trade Center in New York. Is this the first time that an airplane crashed into a skyscraper in New York? 5.             __________ is the tallest building in the world. It is located in ____________. The construction started in ________ and was finished_________. 6.             What is the meaning of tundra? Why is the Bush administration so interested with exploring and exploiting the tundra? 7.             Draw in a

scavenger hunt

NUGGETS ANSWER LOCATION VALUE: Sources/Author/Date Published/Sponsor/Copyright Search Engine Search Technique 1. Sometime in 1991, a chief scientist at the NIIT, named, started an experiment hole in a wall. Dr. Sugata Mitra, Chief Scientist at NIIT India Hole-in-the-Wall Education Limited 2015 google Phrase searching 2. What does NIIT stands for? NIIT stands for National Institute of Information Technology India Acronym Finder is © 1988-2018 google Phase searching and Boolean Logic 3. It was implemented at a slum area in New Delhi. Kalkaji New Delhi India Hole-in-the-Wall Education Limited 2015 google Phrase Searching 4. His team carved a hole in the wall that separated NIIT campuses from slum areas. Why did they carve hole in the wall

Filipino: Wika ng Saliksik

  Cebuano , Hiligayno, Ilokano,  Kapampangan , Kinaray-a, at  Waray Waray, hindi maipagkakaila na ang Pilipinas ay bansang napakaraming lengwahe. hindi mo akalaing sa napakaliit na bansa ay may mahigit 170 na lengwahe, ngunit dimo akalaing may isang lengwaheng kumokonekta ng lahat ng Pilipino, ang Wikang Filipino.  Isang buwan kada taon ay isinasagawa ang "Buwan ng Wika", kadalasan ito ay nagaganap sa buwan ng Agosto. Ngayong taon ang tema ay, "Filipino, Wika ng Saliksik!" at sa aking palagay ang temang ito ay dapat bigyan ng pansin. Sa panahon ngayon ang batayan ng talino ay ang pagkabihasa sa pagsasalita ng wikang ingles, sa panahon ngayon kapag tagalog lang ang alam mo natatawag kang walang alam. Ganito ang estado ng ating buhay ngayon na tila'y minamaliit nila ang wikang sariling atin, tila kinakakahiya nila ito,ngunit hindi nila naisasaisip ang kahalagahan nito sa ating kultura, at ating sarili.  Simula pa nung una ay hindi na natin maipagkakaila

A Father or A Dictator?

President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, the 16th President of the Philippines delivered his State of the Nation Address last July 23, 2018. The said event he said some words that certainly left a mark and caught the attention of many Filipinos'. Because of these various words that were let out we couldn't help thinking is the President the father that we think of him to be or a dictator in disguise? "Your concern is human rights, mine is human lives" This was just one of the most talked about quote that the President mentioned during the said event. Although this was considered touching for some, i wondered on why he said that. It was in the month of August 2017 when he said "Shoot those who are part of the drug activity. If they are obstructing justice, you shoot them.” This statement contradicts what the Philippine Human Rights stand for. And this is where my concerns were raised about the president slowly becoming a dictator. One of the first acts that was implemen

What Shall We Do?

A mother arrives at her home and finds that her children are unwell, she realized that they don’t have enough nutrients. They were always tired, they barely have enough energy to eat. Then the mother realized why and said, “how can they get enough nutrients when the prices of the vegetables are so high?”   “I can’t feed my kids the nutrients they need!” Every year in the month of July, Nutrition Month is celebrated to increase awareness of people specially students to live a better and healthier life. This year is the theme is "Ugaliing Magtanim Sapat na Nutrisyon Aanihin!" People nowadays do not give importance to farming because they know that they can simply buy it at their local market or grocery store. Unfortunately recently the prices of vegetables are being raised and there was an issue about unhealthy growing habits of some suppliers. This raised the concern of many specially of the people who are financially unstable, because of this they started finding a w

Letter To The President

    July 10,2018        Honorable Rodrigo Duterte President of the Republic of the Philippines MalacaƱang Palace, Manila Dear Mr. President:                            Congratulations! It has officially been 2 years since you became the Philippines’ President. As one of your citizens, I am hoping that you fulfill all of the promises you made during your campaign. Those who voted for you expect change and hope that because of your victory will achieve it.           I am however concerned about your promise to stop the drug menace in the Philippines. Impossible as it seemed for the past two years I have seen improvement in this act. Although it was quite successful there were a few innocent people involved, this raised the Filipino citizens’ disbelief in your program and how you are going to continue to execute it.           Another issue that ponders in my mind is the fact that you are a straight-talking man, I am worried that the children that watched you sp

A Burden or a Weapon?

The Philippines is a quiet country, everyone lived peacefully and all was well. Until a group of Spaniard colonists lead by Ferdinand Magellan shocked them by taking away their freedom for 333 years. With the help of the Americans we were finally free, and the Philippines waved it's flag at Amos, Cavite on June 12, 1898, unfortunately some time after we were colonized once again by the Japanese as weapons for the World War, nevertheless we still celebrate June 12 of every year as the day we the Filipinos and our country had our freedom. These days we are living in a modernized world and because of this we are yet again being imprisoned by a new enemy, technology, because of this most of the teenagers are not aware of the sacrifices hat were made for us to gain the freedom we are experiencing right now. Because of this we need to wake up! We need to start being dedicated in making our country truly free. We need to use our knowledge in using social media to help in making o